From where I stand, hidden among the mass of humanity, much can be seen. Most of what I see disheartens me. I see ordinary folk getting squeezed by the powers-that-be to the point of despair. I see those in positions of power and authority abusing said power in petty and mean-spirited ways. I hear politicians squawking about "conservative" this or "liberal" that, when anyone with a grain of sense knows that the pols are merely posturing for votes to perpetuate their own personal power; not that they care about the desires of their respective constituencies or the rest of our nation. I see so-called "grass-roots" groups like the T.E.A. Party, which is anything but "grass roots", which are bought and paid for by persons and groups who have a vision of America which is a far cry from the visions of our founders.
I'll be blunt. The United States is "circling the drain", people. We need a new plan, as the conventional wisdom has failed us. We need a new plan, a realistic plan. One that actually addresses the problems we face as a nation and as a species. We need to find among us leaders of real integrity. Men and women who are brutally honest with us. Leaders who will not fall to the temptations of those who seek to perpetuate the status quo, or worse, drag us into some new feudalism. Leaders who answer to us, We The People. Most of all we need ourselves, every damned man and woman old enough and smart enough to understand the writing on the wall, to take action and not stop until we achieve the results we desire.
Transparency is the new buzzword in government. We all know that this is bullshit, like so many other buzzwords before. If you want real transparency in government, take away the Congress' privilege of self-examination. The fact that no member of Congress may be charged with a crime by any other body but Congress makes for a "fox guarding the henhouse" scenario. Not good for anyone but the "fox".
See ya when I get back from the bush again.
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